uhm, can anyone tell me how to blame?? i found some crappy(and sort of rasist) post i just have to blame
Age 35, Male
Joined on 8/21/07
Posted by unknowngoth - February 13th, 2008
uhm, can anyone tell me how to blame?? i found some crappy(and sort of rasist) post i just have to blame
In order to blam, click Flash Portal at the top, then look for the purple submisions, if your blam is right, it wont show up.
BUT: you cant take off a vid thats already in, or else it reaches a score of 0.10. So, everyday keepputting "0" and hope it comes off of NG. :D
Happy to be of assistance
-Teh Playaz
ty... that helped!
there should be a red x at the bottom of the submission i believe. By the way Thanx for the comment. I hope you dont miss the vein >;) I don't like it when people label themselves. Like you have. And I bet your definition of a goth is anyone who wears black? I have respect for people who dont label themselves, or the people who wear black and have no label. I have respect for the person who started making goth a way of life and an art. But, No I don't like people like you, who label, and thats why abusive and insulting reviews are written. Does this make any sense to you? I hope you surely understand.
i dont abuse goth, i am one myself... i dont wear dark clothes every day, and i have a group with other goths and were the ones with the most fun... so yeah... the only persons I abuse are people that abuse goths and emos, cuz they always say that emos that cut themselves are stereotyp emo, or people that say I HATE EMO IM GOING TO KIL THEM ALL. and i believe you wrote an abusive post 'bout emos
You just labeled yourself again. Im sure I did write a post on emos. Im not a fan of emos. And I do believe emos should die. And I CAN stereotype emos. Im not gunna say theyre bad people or anything. theyre fine till the emotional side hits. And THAT is when emos are all the fuckin same >:( and if you know some emo kids I 100% guarantee you will see what I'm talking about. The second thing I hate about emos is that they talk too much....They never really do what they say they're going to do. Example. Ive had a bunch of emo friends who said they were going to "kill him/herself" I told them to go right ahead. but they never did it. Every emo I know that has broken up with their gf/bf. ALWAYSSS talk about suicide for about a month straight and then finally get tired of talking about it and changes subject. As far as cutting goes. I don't care if you like scarification. If its something someone feels like doing then let them do it in peace. But if anyone cuts themself because other people do it, then theyre a fuckin terrible follower. I also have respect for sadists. It agrivates me so much when you say your going to do something but you dont do it. I admire people with a gothic lifestyle and gothic music, Metal Heads, Hardcore kids, Rockers, and Moshers . But I do not pitty the emo lifestyle, or music and I really think it should be wiped out. I can express my point of view all day ANY day.
THAT is a reason, not the perfect one, cuz not every emo does talk about suicide, and cut there selves, those are wannabe emos, and those are the emos you normally see... but yeah ty for explaining... and oh yeah, my best friend is an emo, and he has emofriends, that dont cut themselves anymore, they stopped... 'bout that goth labeling, not every goth is the same, so i cant label anyone anywhere... srry for that if its bad O_o
by the way thanks for writing back
goths are gayayy
1. why
2. you just wrote a review that wasnt neccecairy
3. your pretty gay
Hey, welcome ;)
I'm feeling a little weird about how you talk.
When people talk negativly, even abusing, about the emo-lifestyle, that's not racism.
Those reviews may be abusing in your view, but they are legal.
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism</a>
This is a nice article about racism. You should read these lines:
This definition does not make any difference between prosecutions based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the ethnicity and race remains debatable among anthropologists] According to British law, racial group means "any group of people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin".
That has nothing to do with occupation or appearance.
Personally, I think emo's based there style on ska-punk, which is why I don't like them. I don't have anything against the music or some stereo-typical shit, heck, I'm not a person who talks about stereo-types!
But you should base your judgement on the law, and not on your own believes.
So, next time you see somekind of review or flash which makes fun of emo's, don't blow the wistle on it. (You have a garbage whistle anyway...)
I hope I wasn't too rude or anything.
My meaning is good ;)
i get your point, and im not even a bit upset, but i didnt say they are illegal, i just hate them and express me against them. btw thanks bout the information.
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k... ty